Thank you to everyone
I am truly appreciative of all the help we have received.
We have been amazed at all the people who have been remarkably generous with us after we found ourselves homeless after the fire. These include, but are not limited to, the following: (Update post)
Andrew across the street, who is storing some of our stuff, including our chest freezer (plugged in)
Violet (church friend who let us stay for 3 days)
Couple at IHOP that first night, who gave us $60
Friends of my sister, who gave us $200
Donnie, who let us stay at Harrah’s Hotel for 4 nights.
Craig, $600 and advice. He has also volunteered to help pay
Braxton, who has been doing a lot of work around the house (as well as being the reason that everyone survived!!!)
Ana, who went with me and helped me navigate the laundromat, when neither one of us had been to one in years. She also took me on a shopping spree to help replace some of my clothes
Gracemor Christian Church, who provided several meals, as well as buying me a new Chromebook computer.
Carolyn, my sister, who let me use their washer and dryer, and volunteered to help us rent a storage unit
My parents, who also helped replace some of our clothing, and helped in other ways
If there's anyone I've forgotten, I'll try to add you next week.
And then of course, there are all the fine people who have generously supported us on GiveSendGo (Once I have time to figure out how to send notes there, I’ll thank you all. 😊)
Thank you for going along with us on our rebuilding journey.
Should you wish to contribute to helping us rebuild, please visit our site here:
For more general help, or to leave a tip:
Thank you for reading!
Hey Betsy, I have moved from NC to FL and found a room to rent, put 98% of all my possessions into storage and am wondering how you are doing. Did you and Jonathan find a SAFE place to live? Are you still wanderers? I hate that feeling and am not feeling "settled" myself but am praying I can stay here till after new year's at least so I can feel your pain even if mine is from other sources entirely. It still sucks to be transient, uncertain of the future and unable to control future events HAHA Darn, wish I'd inherited that magical superpower, eh? Please post an update when you get a chance. Inquiring minds want to know you guys are okay.